The popularity of Stevia plant has increased tremendously in the previous few years and is now considered as one of the best alternative for sweetness. Consumption of sugar in the normal form is injurious to health hence most people are making use of this plant as an alternative. This plant belongs to the family of sunflower. The Steviaplants are highly in use in Paraguay and central regions of America because of the huge abundance in these regions. There are as many as 240 varieties of these plants and each of them can be put to use. One of the key factors behind the tremendous growth of Stevia plant is that it has a very ability of providing sweetness. No other plant can match the sweetening capability as of this plant.
Importance of the plant :
These Stevia plants are very easy to obtain and can be purchased from any herbal shop. The plant’s leaves can be found easily in any of these shops yet there are many people who like to grow them in their homes. It is not only employed for the purpose of provide sweetness but it is highly considered as a wonderful ornament making plant. Apart from this the other major factor behind the tremors growth of this plant is that they provide good odor and thus they can be used like room fresheners. In order to grow this plant you will be requiring the seeds of Stevia plant which are very easily available in various stores. Some people like to buy these seeds from online store because of the ease in availability. Since the plants are part of the family of sunflower hence for the growth of these Stevia plants sunlight plays an integral part hence they should be kept facing the sun.
Other advantages :
They are very popularly used as sweeteners because they are very much affordable and are also their use extremely healthy to the body. A small cup of coffee Weill just requires two leaves of the plant for providing the required taste. Also it consists of various nutrients that are extremely healthy and are beneficial for controlling diabetes. Diabetes is growing at a tremendous rate through the world hence alternative sources of sweet are highly in demand. The Stevia plant is considered as of the most affordable and efficient oaf these modes. Researchers have shown that the leaves of this plant provide almost equal amount of sweetness yet do not cause an increase in the blood glucose. For many people it has become an important part of daily food. Not only do the leaves of this plant help to control the sugar level but it is also highly beneficial in moderating the blood pressure. Making the use of the leaves for brushing teethes can be extremely beneficial in overcoming many gums problems. There have been various researches done on this plant which showed that a high dose could cause allergy and reproduction problem to some hence before making use of the Stevia plant, consulting a doctor is very beneficial.
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