Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Stevia Plants – Natural herb for you

SteviaPlants are special kind of plants which are used for adding flavors to the food items and also used as a sweetener. These plants are found in some part of South America and Japan. These days this plant is getting very popular in Europe, Canada and United States of America. The main use of Stevia Plant is to use it as a sweetener. This sweetener material is fifteen times sweeter than sugar. It is also low calorie and highly nutrient sweetener available. These plants are grown from seed and need plenty of sunshine to grow. That is why Stevia Plants are found in countries of South America. This is basically used as a supplement for the sugar and used as ingredients in the products where sugar is required. It is mainly used in cola drinks, sugar less gum, sugar biscuits and so on. There is a special quality of Stevia Plant that it is heat resistant, therefore it can be used in baking also. Stevia Plants also have some medical benefits also. It has antioxidants which is useful for building up immunity in human body. It is also useful in the treatment of hypertension, obesity and bacterial infections also. In the 19th century this plant was used as a herb for sweetening purpose and to enhance the flavor of food. Dr M S Bertoni did some researches also about this plant and came to know that this plant is very much useful for human beings. The SteviaPlant is processed in the industries and extract of this plant is used as a final product. Color and incense is removed to make it neutral. It is used as a powder or even as a liquid also in the preparation of food. It is also used in the manufacturing of soft drinks also.
SteviaPlants are very useful for medical purpose. These are used as antibiotics also. This herb provides a large number of benefits ranging from an alternative of sugar to an important medicine for the healthy body. It is very helpful for diabetic’s patients also. It works as an alternative for sugar hence helps in lowering down the sugar level in the diabetic’s patients. It also help in weight loss activity as it has very low sugar content it helps very much in losing the body weight.
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Stevia Plant also helps in preventing tooth decay as it has very low sugar content to deal with. It also prevents yeast infections. There are major steps which are to be considered while planting these plants to come up with a great result in terms of quality and quantity both. These plants are not very much used to cold. So there should be proper amount of temperature and sunlight available for their growth. Plantation should not be overcrowded. It means there should me enough space between the plants so that they can get enough amount of sunlight for their healthy grow. You should put some water on daily basis in summers and provide some nitrogen based fertilizers to make them grow efficiently

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Stevia Plant – King of herbs

A beautiful flora
 The species known as Stevia, which is commonly called as sweet leaf, sweet leaf or sugar leaf which is widely grown for the sweet leaves. As a beautiful sweetener, stevia has a somewhat the slower rate onset and have the longer time as compared than that of the sugar.  Some of the extracts are having a really bitter at some higher concentrations.
Stevia extracts is  having more than three hundred times the sweetness of the sugar, Stevia plant has having the garnered attention as the rise in demand is there for the  low-carbohydrate content, the low-sugar containing the food alternatives. Because stevia has always have a negotiable effect on glucose content in the blood. Also it has very attractive natural sweetener nature for the people on having always trying to have the more carbohydrate diet as their food content.
Various Features
The availability to the stevia varies differs from one country to the other country within the world. In some of the countries it is available countries as a sweetener for a long time decades or even for the many centuries. For example, stevia has been very widely used as sweetener in the countries like Japan where there has it has been available as for more than decades or two decades. In other various countries  where the health concerns is of highest priority among its citizens  and the political controversies have limited the availability of this kind of flora and species as we can say for example, the United States  has clearly given the complete ban over the  stevia from the  last twenty years . But in year of 2008 they approved rebaudioside. Ann extract has been used as a food additive. Over the last twenty years, the various other countries where the stevia has been available sweetener and it have been increasing since rapidly increasing. In the year of 2011, stevia plants  was been approved to be used for the various countries in the world .Also the stevia plant can be uses as purpose of the plantation in a bigger area .It can also serve as the vast field of business purpose also .It sweet nature can be used in various types of perfumes and deodorants that are made within the world by many of the perfume and deodorants making company. Also this plant has got great demand in all the Arabic countries as the people there used to put this into their food as to just increase the taste of the food and to add some odor to the food.
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So we can clearly see that stevia plantation has a great effect on the many parts of the world as it is used a basic component while making the perfumes and deodorants that are quite prominent among the various peoples around the world. Also it can be used in various medicines basically in the field in the field of the homeopathy and ayurveda.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Growing of Stevia plants

Stevia plants are known for being the most liked and most recommended sweetening agents because of the various health benefits which they come together with. Many customers al around the globe are making use of these Steviaplants as sweetening agents and they are considered for being highly efficient in their performance. The features of Stevia plants in terms of quality and efficiency have enhanced in the last few years and in these years they have become of higher satisfactory solutions for the customers. This high demand and satisfactory features of all these Stevia plants sweetening agents is because of the huge effort which the makers of these sweetening agents are putting into the manufacture process of these sweetening agents. Many companies are producing these sweetening agents because of the huge requirement of all such sweetening agents in the market and if you are looking to purchase any of them then you should search for reliable company as there are many. You should always give a prime importance to your requirement before you purchase any so that you end up getting the most satisfactory sweetening agents.
Various points
Most of these sweetening agents are designed after making the use of the latest innovation in technology and also putting a strong importance to the requirement of the company. Many advantages are given by all these sweetening agents and hence they have become of such high popularity among customers. It is always important to select wisely among the many options of these sweetening agents that are sold and available in the global market. Many of such sweetening agents are launched by the branded companies yet in order to get the reliable on you need to get appropriate amount of data for the various options.
Other points
If you are looking to get one of these you should read the reviews of the past customers for these sweetening agents to select an appropriate one. Only some companies have been producing these sweetening agents and its relevant services in the recent few years and hence you should always select in a wise manner among the manufactures. The quality features of all such sweetening agents that are sold in market vary and internet is the most appropriate place from where you can get the relevant information for these sweetening agents.  As you can find many types of such sweetening agents hence you should consult the professionals in the field before you get any of them. You should always put your money on better quality sweetening agents as it will ensure that you are getting the serv9ces for a longer period of time and also the deal will prove out to be beneficial. The value which will be charged on any of these sweetening agents will be dependent upon the features and the services that the product will be able to provide the customers. Some companies have launched their official websites from where you can get all information for these options and also get the most satisfactory services. If you are looking to save a even higher money you should always purchase from an online store as good discount are available  on these sites also you could use some promotional codes to get further discounts when you purchase these Stevia plants sweetening agents.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Stevia and its benefits

About Stevia:
SteviaPlants are found in the Tropical and Subtropical regions and are a boon to all the people staying in not only this place but also in the places around this region. It is also referred to as the sweet leaf. This name occurs to it since it is very sweet in taste and there is used as a substitute to the sugar. Stevia Plant can be used in the various forms, some of these include, powder of dried leaf. This is about 15 to 25 times as sweeter in taste as compared to the sugar. It is in the powdered form and hence is very common form of Stevia Plant usage. This is not soluble. Refined Stevia is another form of Stevia that is used across the globe for the purpose of flavoring the food item. It is very sweet, almost 300 times sweeter in taste than the sugar. But this form is not very healthy as compared to the other forms of Stevia Plants used. It may also be used in the tablet form. As mentioned above, these forms may be as much as 300 times sweeter than that of the sugar; this is for sure that for normal flavoring you would need a very little amount of Stevia Plant as compared to that of the sugar. This cuts the cost and quantity of the sugar being used otherwise. You may also learn to cultivate Stevia. For this purpose such surf in the internet and you will get the best options available out there.
Going medical with Stevia:
Japan has approved the consumption of Stevia Plants and it is therefore used across the region. But Stevia may be potentially toxic; hence its consumption should be done in a limited amount. This would enable you to get the flavor and health both hand in hand. Using it in high quantities may not be desirable. Experts have advised a limited dosage. Various countries have put restrictions on the dosage of the amount of Stevia to be consumed. When the amount is exceeded there may be problems in the health of the consumer. It is advised that the diabetic patients should not consume it without consulting a health specialist. Some people may also suffer from allergies due to the consumption of Stevia since it belongs to a class that is causes allergy in some people, though there have been no such cases reported yet. A safe dose on the daily basis that has been fixed due to research on the plant is 10 milligram of stevioside for every kilogram of human body who intakes it. Not only it gives negative impacts, the results of consuming Stevia in limited amount may also lead to several benefits. Some of these include reduction in hypertension. A country like Japan where it has been used since ages has shown it that the consumption does not give any negative impact. But one shall always keep in mind the amount of it to be consumed. Stevia Plants are available in various parts of the world and may be imported from any nearby producer.