Thursday, 23 February 2012

Stevia plant and its outcomes

Going safe with it:          
It is a plant that has very sweet leaves. It is available in various varieties to suit your comfort. It can be used as the substitute for the sugar and is vastly used in the various recipes. All its forms may include powder of stevia plant or in liquid for or may be refined form. Whatever the form may be, the sole purpose is to add a sweet taste and the best part is that it is so sweet that its quantity used is very less and thus it cuts on your cost of the quantity. All the varieties can be studied in dept from the website mentioned above and you may get something new to tell to the guests whom you are hosting on a meal. Surely they would like to have a new flavor that is offered by the stevia plants. It is very necessary to go safe with a stevia plant. With this plant you need to take care of the regular consumption that you make. Dosage is predefined in various countries. Although it is very safe to make use of it, yet it is always beneficial to consult a doctor before taking it. It is thought to be potentially toxic thus you need to be very careful whenever you are consuming it. Some countries don’t even justify the consumption of stevia plants. Thus this in itself declares the level of precautions one must hold in consuming it. The WHO in 2006 declared that it is not harmful to the reproduction system. It may be consumed without any trouble. But still the organization prescribed to the pregnant women to not to consume it. And even the nursing mothers have been cautioned to not to consume it in large quantities. 10 mg of stevioside has been prescribed for each kg of the weight of the body. If used in so much quantity then you must find it safe and healthy. So always consume in safe quantities.
Stevia and problems associated to it:
People who are suffering from type 2 of the diabetes are advised to confirm their glucose level in the blood before they consume the flavor of stevia plant. It is also said that this plant may cause allergy to the ones who are allergic to some particular species of the plants. The Stevia plant is one of the finest of all the natural plants that can be utilized for so many purposes. The versatility in all the features that are given by the plant and the tremendous health benefits that come along with it  is the major reason because of which it has become such a huge success. It does not cause to the tooth decay. These have also been used to make sweeter the medicines that are derived from various herbs that are bitter to taste, since it is very sweet. Thus the problems do not incur if a proper level of stevia plants is consumed. But if the level is exceeded then there may be a problem. Plus some exceptional case may come up. As of now no serious cases have been encountered due to the consumption of stevia plants.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Getting along stevia plants

Various products:
Stevia is the genus that has around 240 species which includes various shrubs and herbs in the family of sunflower. It is grown basically for the sweet leaves that it gives. This can be used for various purposes. A range of products or varieties is offered by stevia plants. The availability of so many features from the plant makes it so popular among such a huge quantity of people.  Some of these forms include powder of dried leaves. This is sweeter than the sugar and is used as its substitute though it remains insoluble in other things and is green in colour. Refined plants of stevia are also another variety. It is not very healthy to consume but still if consumed in limited quantities, it is of a great flavor which is very sweeter than the table sugar. Liquid form of stevia plants is also available. This variety is available in various levels of purity. All these products can be used to add to flavor in your food items that need to be made sweet. Since it is sweeter than sugar, it also saves on quantity of plant used. Various variety of stevia plant is available throughout the globe and is also widely used as a substitute to the sugar. All these products are also beneficial if consumed in limited amount and do not harm the human body. This also adds a bit different flavor and also a new recipe of the dish. Using stevia plant also enables you to set a statement of appreciation by others for the new thing introduced into the food that the other person may not know about.
Producing and consuming countries:
The beneficial stevia plants are cultivated in various parts of the globe. Major producers that consume it are Japan leading the league, China, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore and a few more in the list. With so many countries producing and consuming stevia plant, its popularity amongst all the foodies can be very well identified. Canada, European Union and United States consume it as a dietary supplement. Thus it is very beneficial to consume it and the doctors also often prescribe its usage in a limited amount.  All the countries that consume also set the minimum level of it which can be consumed by an individual of that nation. Many other countries also consume it where it is not permitted officially on regular basis. But feeling its needs and importance, even t hose countries are now planning to allow its use. So consuming it is not a big deal and does not bear a high level of danger on the health. But the only thing that should be kept in mind is the allowed quantity to taken by each individual. Various other benefits of stevia plants can be viewed from the link that has been mentioned above. All you need is an internet connection that just browses some of the website that can provide you with the best uses and other details about the stevia plant.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Use of Stevia plants

There has been an immense growth in the requirement of alternatives to sugar and hence the popularity of Stevia plants has increased tremendously in the past few years. The major reason behind this requirement is the fact that sugar in its synthetic form is not good for the human body and could lead to large number of problems hence many people look to get alternative sweetening agents. The Stevia plant is a naturally available sweetener that does not cause much greater problems. As soon as the advantages of these plants were known they became popular. A lot of effort and work ha seen oat to make them available for being used in the general public. The leaves of this plant do not cause any such harmful affect on the body that the original for of sugar does.  These are now highly used and manufactured as commercial products and are easily available in the market. There are many sweating agents that can be used as the alternatives but these are known for being the most suitable ones because of the versatility in advantageous features that come with it.
Various features:

The most important advantage of the Steviaplant is that it does not cause any specific increase in the blood sugar level. The availability of such a wonderful sweetening agent is like a dream coming true door all those persons who suffer from diabetes problems.  A high amount of sugar level in the body could cause series of problems hence all diabetes patients are required to either avoid the use of sugar or take alternative source such as the Stevia leaves. Apart from this it is also extremely beneficial for lowering the blood pressure level. Many doctors suggest the regular intake of this agent for those patients that suffer from high blood pressure problems. With increase in age such problems increase, and hence one must start taking the use of these Stevia leaves as soon as possible. The leaves of this plant are also known for making an improvement on the immune system of the body. This factor is the major reason due to which these plants are highly recommended for the older age group. Although these Stevia plants are easily available in the market, but most peel like to grow them in their home, as they have a very pleasant smell and can be put to use for room freshening purpose. Other than this these leaves are also used in flower ornaments.

Other points:

These leaves are easily available in the market. If you are looking to grow the plant at your home, you will need to purchase the seeds of the plant that are easily available in the market. In the commercial areas these leaves are available in powder form as well as in tablets form and can be used in a safe manner. Although these leaves are not known for causing any sort of problems but it is always important to take the consult of a doctor before making use of the Stevia plants.